The Pilferer

•April 9, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Apparently, we have thief(-ves) in the students’ hostel. Just this afternoon, two laptops went missing. That’s a total of four laptops which were stolen in the past eight months.

Seriously, how bad can our luck be? Dahlah we are the very few people left without permanent residences(about 40 out of 170 students in our batch), we pay the highest rent but with the worse facilities, our hostel is located farthest from the ‘campus’. And then this.

For the three years I’ve been in Moscow, this is the first time I’ve heard of so Malaysian students losing their stuff in such short period of time. And for them to lose their laptops! Damn those people from the low-life-&-low-income group! Or those idiots who don’t even have an income! If you have time to go to each room to see if we’re not around and then proceed to steal our stuff, why not look for a job? Don’t tell me bullcrap like ‘it’s hard to look for jobs due to the economy slowdown’ or ‘I tried but had no luck’. If you channeled your determination to steal to looking for jobs, I see no reason why you won’t be employed.

You don’t own a degree/diploma? Learn a skill then! Hairdressers here make a living from the tips they get, not their salary. You can tell when they each get like RM200 a day from clients’ tips. RM200 a day! I so feel like quiting med school now.

Anyway, my point is, things are getting worse in my current hostel, and I’m glad that I’ve gotten a place in one of the hostels my Uni owns. No more living like a nomad, and definitely much safer than this shithole!

All I need to do now is to start packing my stuff and move them to my new hostel before my laptop goes missing. And come to think of it, I must be some lucky shit because everyone in my block has gotten our respective places in the permanent hostel, two of them already moved out, whereas me and the other blockmate spent the night in that hostel last night. The guy could’ve broken-in to our block and steal our stuffs if he wanted to and no one will be there to stop him!

And yes, the damned thief is a guy. I know because the girls said he entered their rooms one by one and pretended to look for someone, apologise for entering the wrong room, and then leave. What a retarded way to steal.

“Hello, is there anyone? Yes? OMG I got the wrong room I’m so sorry bye! No? Thanks for your laptop then.”

But how did he manage to steal the laptops if he did not break-in?

Apparently, the victims were asleep. One of the girl was napping and when she heard the room door opened, she thought it was her roommate who had returned from classes, so she didn’t bother and continued sleeping. Turns out, it was the thief. In her room. When she’s there!


And the funniest part is, the thief did not realise there was a person in the room on the bed. He must be half-blind or something.

Although the girls have lodged a police report later, no action seemed to be taken, even though we had witnesses. Not even a face sketch. It was the same as the previous burglary(does it count as one if the victim is in the room when the incident took place?). No one seems to give a damn about anything/anyone, especially foreigners. That’s Russia for you!

Nonetheless, I really feel sorry for the girls. These incidents wouldn’t have happened if we were given permanent hostels in the first place.

Damn, with things like this happening here, I have to move to my new residence ASAP. But I won’t be able to bring my IKEA’s Sultan mattress and my refrigerator over! Comfort or safety? I gotta choose.


•April 5, 2009 • 1 Comment

Due to great demand, I’m back to the blogosphere!

So, what’s keeping me from blogging huh? Even friends say that it seems so hard to even see me online these days!

To be honest, nothing’s keeping me from blogging. It’s just that I’ve lost it. You know, the passion to blog. Everything in life seems so… ordinary. Everything seems to repeat by themselves every week. Mondays, at home. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, classes. Saturdays and Sundays, at home again. It’s like robots, you see. The only thing different is that I get to choose what burger to eat in McD’s and they don’t.

Anyhow, if I really have to blog about something, it has to be about my room. Again.

Just last week, the floor keeper decided to make our lives miserable again by destroying our bathroom, again. It was barely five months since she last decided to give my bathroom a make-over. And the reason behind the “make-over” now?

“The water’s leaking to the second floor!”

If you say that the water’s leaking to the forth floor AGAIN, I can understand. But the second floor? It must’ve required some serious work of drop-out engineers and architects and plumbers to be able build such a magnificent building!

Seriously, how often do you get complains from your second floor neighbour because your pipe’s leaking into their house when you’re living on the fifth floor? This is a first for me. And as long as I’m in Russia, it won’t be the last.

Anyway, I have to cut this post short as I suddenly got a migrane attack and I need to lie down and get some rest.

Until next time.

60 Minutes

•March 28, 2009 • 2 Comments

That’s all you need to conserve more energy, to create less waste, to create awareness among yourselves.

The world is slowly dying, and it’s all our fault. Before you start pointing fingers at one another(or at me), let me ask you this:

“Have you not once littered at places you’re not supposed to? Have you not once accepted food packed in styrofoams? “

or even simpler, “Have you not once used the refrigerator?”

It is our fault that the Earth is in such a sorry state right now. We create tonnes of waste each day, use more water and electricity than we need, and accept plastic bags and styrofoams just because we are too lazy to bring our own bags to keep our groceries and containers to keep our food.  It’s time for us to realise that if we do nothing, it won’t be long before Earth rejects us.


Earth Hour – It is the international event organised by the WWF, held on the last Saturday of March each year, asking people to turn off their non-essential ights and electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change.

Climate change is only one of the problems we face. But I’m glad that the Malaysian government has already started urging the rakyat to use lesser plastic bags and styrofoams, though deforestation is still quite bad in our country.

So, turn off all your lights and non-essential-cum-energy-sucking electrical appliances for one hour tonight, from 8:30PM-9:30PM. You may not notice any significant drop in the charges of the next electrical bill, but some electricity saved here and there makes a huge difference!

Don’t tell me one hour is too much to ask for as you’ll miss your favourite TV program and you’ll get to enjoy the air-cond lesser and that you’re afraid of the dark. Stop being a couch potato and get out of the house! Go to the city! I may not have the information I need but I’m sure some popular landmarks like Dataran Merdeka and Petronas Twin Tower will turn off their lights for an hour in support of the event. I’m sure it’s worth switching off all the lights at home for just one hour to see how those landmarks look like at night without the lights.

As for me, I might ask some friends out to the city center. I’ve never seen Moscow city at night in total darkness, it will be fun.


•March 14, 2009 • 5 Comments

It’s been quite some time since I last posted pictures on this blog. Well, basically it’s because it’s winter now and it’s really hard to bring my dslr out to snap pics. Electrical stuffs don’t work well in extreme temperatures. Besides, shutters on a dslr don’t work forever. I’m afraid that if I snap too much (junk), someday the shutter dies and I still don’t produce any decent picture.

Or because everyone in my Uni’s spitting on my photography skills.

Anyway, after much persuasion by my friend Mich, I began taking pictures again. She was right. If I don’t snap pictures now, my photography skill will not improve. And if I don’t improve, I’m just a disgrace to my dslr. Besides, I’m too young to worry about shutter life. My dslr’s average shutter life is thirty thousand shots, and I’ve only used ten percent of it in eight months. It’d take me quite some time before the shutter wears out and needed replacement.

Alright, pics time!


This is my laundry bag(container/case?). Got it from Ikea about three years ago when I first arrived in Moscow. Had been quite a good turtle I’d say, always keeping all my dirty clothes and not say a single word. But poor turtle, it was meant to store kids’ toys, not dirty laundry!


Got this monkey thingy from Malaysia in August 2008. Was frantically searching for this in the pasar malam(night market) nights before I left for Moscow because both my bro and sis have one each(not the same monkey design, but they all are solar powered to work. Mine here swings). And I needed something that moves but doesn’t require any management to make the room look less dead when the both of us aren’t around and when we’re both sleeping like corpses.


This is the bottom of the glass of my bamboo plant(yes, I have a bamboo plant, to make the room more zen). Didn’t expect to capture this picture at all as the real thing isn’t quite as colorful. Look at how the roots are growing! They barely had any real, visible root when I fist bought them(the bamboos, the colorful stones, the glass are all from Ikea) but over these months, they have grown quite alot of roots and the bamboo themselves are so big(and messy) that they require some serious trimming. Like my hair.

That’s all for now. I’ll be posting more pictures when Spring arrives!

It’s About Time!

•March 2, 2009 • 1 Comment

Finally, the day I’ve been dreading to confront has finally come. And pretty fast went.

THE exam is finally done and over with! No more Microbiology! No more visiting to that department anymore! I am God!

OK, maybe not, but almost there!

One more exam left pending. Will get it over with soon but for now, give me some space to breathe and rest.

Hello Again!

•February 16, 2009 • 2 Comments

So, the winter break’s finally over, and I’m back in the land of the dead Moscow. Yay!

OK, maybe it’s not true. Who ‘yay’s to the word ‘Moscow’ anyway?

It’s barely been a day in Moscow and there’re already things that piss me off. Everyone knows that I skipped my finals in order to be back in KL for my cousins’ weddings, right? So, I’m back here in Moscow to sit for the exam I’ve missed and guess what? The exam’s on this Saturday! Less than a week’s time to prepare to FINALS!

Then there’s also this subject which semester exam I did not sit for. I was told that if I don’t clear the exams by the end of February, I’ll have to pay $25/hr to do it! With Microbiology finals in hand, I don’t think I’ll be able to clear the exam for this subject anytime soon. Assuming that I need about 5 hours to do the exams, I’ll have to part away with $125, at least. That’s like, goodbyeangpaumoney!

As if life’s not bad enough, I came back to Moscow just to know that my slippers went missing. And I thought I didn’t have to bring much things back to Moscow this time because I HAVE EVERYTHING already. And slippers were the one thing I was very sure I didn’t have to bring extras because I only wear it in the hostel and I won’t be wearing it out anytime soon and most importantly won’t be losing it anytime soon!

Seriously, slippers thief? I for one won’t steal slippers. Never in my life would I do such filthy thing but it amazes me how many people out there spend their time eyeing on someone else’s slippers and steal it when the owner isn’t aware. The thought of stealing slippers which had stepped on God-knows-what makes me feel sick, but somehow the same thought turned someone on. Dirty-shoe-fetish, perhaps?

Or maybe because of the label of my slippers. The label of my ex-slippers was forefourskin. I don’t really know but I think the thief must’ve stolen my pair of slippers because he got aroused by the thought of having his(I’m very sure it’s a him because the ladies wear slippers with flower patterns around it and my pair of slippers were just plain black in color) hands around my forefourskin.

Eww, what a perv!

Jingle Bells, Fire Crackers & “OMG Fried Kuey Teow so expensive nowwww!”

•December 31, 2008 • 2 Comments

For those who don’t already know, I am back in Malaysia! Actually I’ve returned home for almost a week now, but due to the ever-reliable internet connection by our favorite TM, I could only come online now. But the most important thing is I’m back in Malaysia.

Hence there’ll be no posts for the next 6-7 weeks. And e-mails too.

Merry belated Christmas, Happy New Year and a Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! May the new year bring us health and wealth! And take the global financial crisis and global warming away if possible!

See ya all in Feb 2009.


•December 8, 2008 • 1 Comment

This is the fifth time I’m trying to write an entry. The laptop kept shutting down itself, like the power’s been cut off, but the thing is everything’s just fine, so I don’t know the source of it shutting down by itself. The TIME of the MONTH, maybe?

Anyway, I would like to thank everyone for their concern. I myself still ain’t sure whether or not I’ll be going home this winter but I’ll let everyone know once I’ve made the decision. So let’s just not think about this and enjoy this post.

I ain’t sure if all of you have seen this yet but when I saw it online this afternoon, I LOL-ed. Seriously, this must be one of the funniest advertisement made by the Malaysian government.

“Kan aku dah cakap? Lain kali pakai tali pinggang keledar kat belakang.” [“Didn’t I tell you? Next time, put on the seat belt when you’re riding behind.”]


Anyway, after watching the video, my roommate recommended another link. This time, it was about none-other-than-the-infamous-UFO! Yes, UFO. Unidentified Flying Object. UFO.

I don’t exactly remember the details of the video and the link but I tell you, youtube really has EVERYTHING. It’s like wikipedia, just not exactly applicable for education purposes. I had time to kill, so I went watching other ‘related videos’. One thing leads to another, before I knew it, I was already watching videos related to ‘weird sea creatures’, ‘Russian MIG attempt to intercept alien mothership’, ‘mermaids’, ‘unidentified deep-sea living animals after tsunami’, ‘CNN reports man on Mars’, ‘prehistoric shark captured’, ‘alien autopsy’, and the list goes on.

The videos were OK, but what really entertained my late afternoon were the comments on the videos by many users. From ‘this fake’, ‘F*ck Brazil(???)’, ‘this aint alien, is a human naked peeing in forest’, ‘Russians are stupid, they eat everything’ to ‘lmao’, ‘retardddddddddddsssssssssssssss’, there’s nothing not to laugh about the comments. Imagine how a one minute video gain more than one hundred thousand views and more than six thousand comments. I think the people who log on to youtube 24/7 and commenting on all the videos are just plain sad. Seriously, six thousand comments? Why comment so much when more than half of them scream ‘retarddddssss’ and ‘fake, fake!! this fake!”? And I can proof that some people have so little life that they can log on to youtube, watch(scrutinize?) Britney Spears’ ‘Womanizer’ video, search for the lyrics on and say ‘womanizer? I see that the guy’s been tortured here, not womanizing. So what is this, Britney?’ or ‘look at the hair! she sucks!’ or ‘look at 0:45s, I think she flashed her boobs'(Ok it was fake). Seriously, do you spend all the time loading a four-minute music video sang by Britney(whom you claim to hate to the core), probably watch it several times(or just take the simple way out by searching for the lyrics online) and say that the lyrics sucked or how it reflected on Britney herself, say she’s still fat despite ‘successfully slimmed down’ and lastly say that the guy in the music video is cute/hot/whatever and how you wanna save him from Britney.

Really, either you are jealous of Britney because she’s famous and you’re not or that your favorite artist isn’t gaining as much attention as Britney gets. Or maybe you just don’t believe that people can lose weight. Really, you can lose weight, if you stop lying on the bed and searching for videos in youtube 24/7, eating non-stop and not leave your bed unless you go to the toilet. Maybe you have the potty stuck to your bottom so that you don’t even have to get out of bed.

Seriously, if Britney is fat, what about Tyra?


Anyway, enough of YouTube(sounds like EwwDIUb to me, XD) for now. Off to sleep, bye.


•December 4, 2008 • 3 Comments

Before you ask, just let me assure you that this is not an entry of me saying that this’ll be the last entry and that I won’t be blogging anymore. Though I wish it’d be so.

About the previous entry, I don’t wish to elaborate on what exactly happened, so just drop it and move on with life. =D

Finally got back my papers on Pharmacology this morning. A month ago, I sat for the paper which I think I’ll at least pass, if not getting good grades. A month later, I finally got back my papers, after seeing many people failed along the way.

Just as expected, I passed!


After a month of keeping me in the dark, I finally get to know that I’ve failed. What a good way to start my morning. And it didn’t help, as I was supposed to do the next exam for this subject already. Just so you know, for each course subject, we have about three or four exams per semester. For Pharmacology, we have three exams this semester. So, I passed the first one, failed the second one and the third one was supposed to be done today. But I didn’t do the third exam because I prepared for two other subjects which I’ve passed(somehow) on Monday on Tuesday. Two days weren’t enough to prepare for this exam, so I told myself I’ll just do it next week as this is the last exam of the semester and I have three weeks’ time to do it.

Now that I’ve failed, I need one week to redo the second exam, one week to do the third exam and another week just in case I fail any or both the papers and needed the time to redo. Not to mention I have another Pathology and Microbiology exam in two weeks’ time. So I have a total of four exams to be done in 3 weeks. Sounds easy, but if you take a look at my textbooks you’ll know that it’s impossible.

And did I forget to say that in Russia, at the end of every semester, before we sit for our final examinations, we have to get signatures from our respective subject lecturers as a proof that we’ve passed all the previous exams and are eligible to take our final exams. But the thing is, we can only get the signatures at the last week of the semester. For this year, the last week of semester is from the 22nd to 26th December. But, my flight date is on the 23rd, because if I don’t fly on that day, the next available flight will be some time in January, or I fly home with another carrier company which flies on the 24th but I’ll have to pay at least RM250 more for the ticket. But these aren’t the problem. The problem is, I need the signatures before I leave so that when I return to Moscow I can save the time getting the signatures and just do my exam!

But then again my final exam’s MCQ paper falls on the 23rd and I also happen to have the third exam of the semester for Pathology on the same day. I already felt bad for choosing to skip the written paper and only do it when I return in February because the written paper falls on the 11th January and if I go home only after the written paper it wouldn’t be worth it because not only will I miss my cousin brother’s wedding which falls on the 28th December and my cousin sister’s wedding which falls on a week after my cousin brother’s wedding, there’s also not much point going home for only 3 weeks and then return to Moscow because the new semester begins on 9th February.

The air fare wasn’t cheap to begin with too. Fuel seems to be dirt cheap now but somehow my ticket fare is about the same as when I returned to Moscow in summer, when the fuel price was rocket high. And that the economy now is much worse than in summer. Shouldn’t they be cutting down ticket prices because fuel price is low and also to encourage people to still fly during economy crisis? That’s why I say business never make sense.

And did I forget to mention that if I sit for my exam in February after the holidays, I might need to pay for it? I was told that the first reexamination session is free and students will only be charged for the second session onwards, but now I hear something else.

With so many things to settle in three weeks, I don’t think going home is possible anymore, unless I keep being ignorant, insist on going home on 23rd, pend all the exams and only clear them in February. It is a good plan, but I don’t think I’ll survive the next semester if I do so because new subjects will be introduced to us and more exams await me.

I think my dream of going home to attend weddings, celebrate Christmas, New Year, CNY and bring back to Moscow 30kgs of perencah(spices, food seasonings) has just shattered.

I Do Not Have A Title

•November 30, 2008 • Leave a Comment

This is gonna be the first personal rant entry. And it won’t be last.

This blog is an interaction medium between my friends, family and I. This blog should be everything about my life in Moscow for the next three to four years. This blog should only contain information about my studies, my holidays, some unimportant stuff and most importantly, my life in Moscow(like the places I visit in Moscow, studies[as mentioned before], and that’s all). This blog should not contain anything negative, no negative entries, no negative emotions, no foul words, nothing. This blog should be hyperactive 24/7/365.

But I am human too. So screw all the decent writing and lame entries that serve only as fillers so that when I look back at my archive I can see that I have at least one entry for each month and it won’t look like this:


October 2008

November 2008

March 2009

June 2009

It looks better like this:

October 2008

November 2008

December 2008

January 2009

..and the list freaking go on until somewhere in 2012 July where I officially graduate and this blog has no purpose in my sad life in Moscow anymore.

Where was I? Oh, about me being human.

Yes, so I am human too and I can’t keep myself hyperactive or people will think that I have Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disease(ADHD). Don’t know what it is? Go google it up yourself.

I am so pissed now with so many things but some of them are so private that it can’t be revealed here or World War 4 will happen(World War 3 is happening now between my groupmates, literally, if you ask why I skipped 3 and went straight to 4). I am pissed with people who think that they have such good acting skills that they can fool everyone in the world. I am pissed with this course because I literally failed most of the subjects this year. I am pissed with the weather as it’s snowing today and tomorrow the snow melted so fast before dawn that by morning it looked like it hadn’t began snowing and I hate it because I have taken all my winter gear out just to know that I won’t be needing it for the next two weeks before snow actually falls and won’t melt overnight.

This is the part where people with no self-esteem or self-love would say that the world is too hard on them that can’t breathe and feel like dying. For me, I love myself too much. And the world is too crowded with many unnecessary people – fillers -, so I think I’ll be doing the world a pretty good favor by killing them off. To those who want to die, please, step forward and I’ll end your torment. Those who fear death or fear that it’s a sin to let go of your life so easily, fear not. If I bothered enough or hated you enough, I’ll hunt you down and put a bullet in your head, then you have excuse to God that you were murdered, not suicide.

4:23AM Moscow Local Time. This shows how pissed I am that I can’t sleep even on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. Hopefully a post will come-by later in the night where I’ll spill some details on the causes of me being so…pissed.

P/S: No, it wasn’t Tyra’s body fat that’s pissing me off. Haha!

P/P/S: I’m trying to retain some sense of humour so just laugh.