
Due to great demand, I’m back to the blogosphere!

So, what’s keeping me from blogging huh? Even friends say that it seems so hard to even see me online these days!

To be honest, nothing’s keeping me from blogging. It’s just that I’ve lost it. You know, the passion to blog. Everything in life seems so… ordinary. Everything seems to repeat by themselves every week. Mondays, at home. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, classes. Saturdays and Sundays, at home again. It’s like robots, you see. The only thing different is that I get to choose what burger to eat in McD’s and they don’t.

Anyhow, if I really have to blog about something, it has to be about my room. Again.

Just last week, the floor keeper decided to make our lives miserable again by destroying our bathroom, again. It was barely five months since she last decided to give my bathroom a make-over. And the reason behind the “make-over” now?

“The water’s leaking to the second floor!”

If you say that the water’s leaking to the forth floor AGAIN, I can understand. But the second floor? It must’ve required some serious work of drop-out engineers and architects and plumbers to be able build such a magnificent building!

Seriously, how often do you get complains from your second floor neighbour because your pipe’s leaking into their house when you’re living on the fifth floor? This is a first for me. And as long as I’m in Russia, it won’t be the last.

Anyway, I have to cut this post short as I suddenly got a migrane attack and I need to lie down and get some rest.

Until next time.

~ by vic on April 5, 2009.

One Response to “Applause”

  1. sadness…

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